The recruitment market is a funny place.

Inside the tent we talk about whether it is a ‘candidate’ driven market or a ‘client’ driven market. What we ask ourselves is whether there are loads of amazing jobs out there with too few good candidates (candidate driven) or whether there are too many good candidates and too few jobs (client driven).

Companies who need to recruit for marketing roles, from marketing executives to CMOs have recently been over the moon, thinking that the process of recruiting has simplified. LinkedIn, for example allows a company to post a role and hey presto! – candidates may apply directly , allegedly saving time and money for both parties.

The reality is somewhat different. Ask anyone who has sifted through stacks of CVs and resume’s.

As a recruitment company, one of the things that we can say, with full impunity, is that we’ve seen it all. After years of experience, we can pretty much tell from the way a person writes their CV document and of course from the content included, whether that candidate is sub-standard or not. More importantly, because we have a full investigative team, we can go behind the bluff and guff to determine who is telling the truth and who is not. Therein lies the issue.

To process many hundreds of CVs takes time and practice and deciding which candidate offers the best experience, and is the best fit for a company needs an eagle eye and more. The ‘do it yourself’ approach often means that the ‘good ones’ get away, while the sifting is underway. And then there’s the issue of identifying who could potentially be a ‘diamond in the rough’ and with the appropriate advice and management, could make a sparkling contribution to a new career opportunity.

Very complex, confusing and downright time consuming, if nothing else.

So if you need either a Supermarketer or a Marketing specialist to drive your business , contact Melvin Day at or on 01932 253352.

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