Did you know that if you are desk-bound in a traditional office set up, or working from home, you are less likely to find your work meaningful?

Or so says recent research from Gretchen Spreitzer, a professor at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. She and the research team have found that using co-working or communal spaces makes you significantly more likely to thrive.

Collaborative office space

People do better in these work environments and are more likely to find their work meaningful because the environment in which they are operating is less competitive and has less internal politics. In communal spaces people have the chance to use their skills to help others. The ability to control when and where they work appears to give them more structure and more motivation. There is also a much stronger sense of community, but one that isn’t compulsory and doesn’t feel forced.

What can traditional office spaces learn from this research?

First, that the design of the environment is key. If a company must have a set of desks, make sure there is an equal number of breakout areas with comfortable seating like couches. Ask employees how they would like their operating environment to look and feel? Would some people prefer a quiet break out zone for thinking and content creation? Is a networking area where people can get a coffee and talk a good way forward?

Creating the right space for your employees will pay dividends if this research is anything to go by.

For assistance in finding the right marketers to fit in with your team and company culture, contact Melvin Day at mday@marketingmoves.com or on +441932 253352.

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